
A collection of somewhat random thoughts.

migrating to rebar3

A long journey from rebar2 to rebar3

Rebar 3 has recently started to surface out of alpha state and entered beta1, about time for the crazy people like me to abandon tried and tested tools to venture into the great vastness of the unknown!

So with a backpack, hiking shoes, food for about a week and a direct line to the rebar3 IRC channel I set off to migrate sniffle from rebar2 to rebar3. Now, after it looks like everything is working, I want to write up what exactly went down.

The complete delta can be seen here please be ware that the upgrade kicked of a bit of a chain reaction with updating libraries too.

3 =/= 2 + 1

The most important thing I found, or rather the biggest misconception I had, is that rebar3 is the next iteration of rebar2. This lead to a lot of misery on my part. rebar3 is an entirely different application, the workflow is different, the logic is different and the behavior is different. Just dropping it and expecting everything to keep working the same will not end well. Treat it like migrating to a different build tool and things are a lot easier.

The simple stuff

Folders and files

Some of the directories change, deps no longer exists and has to be deleted. It also can be removed form the .gitignore file. Instead _build now takes its place, somewhat, it's different but it can go into .gitignore.

The same way ebin doesn't exist any longer and should be deleted. The former ebin now lives also in _build so we don't need to add anything new to the .gitignore file here. The old ebin will take priority over the .beam files generated in _build. That said I was pointed to the fact that there are valid reasons to have it around, for example to prevent rebar3 to generate the .app file from .app.src or if there are additional files compiled by another tool other then rebar3.

Now I said and even said it in bold that those folders HAVE TO BE DELETED that is because they do, if not an axe murderer will come by your house and kill your cat, seriously, I was just lucky that I didn't have a cat so he left disappointed. Aside of the axe murderer, rebar3 will also rather unexpectedly load things from there, which, unlike then the axe murderer, did affect me and cause quite some headache.

There is a new file, rebar.lock which you want to add to your repository, not ignore it, it will keep track of the versions of libraries that are into the _build directory and that should go there if they don't already exist.


The rebar get-deps is deprecated so is rebar update-deps, you don't need them any more, rebar3 figures out itself when dependencies need to be installed or updated (from the rebar.lock file). There is a new rebar3 deps command, which has nothing to do with the old commands, instead it is used to give a list of the dependencies of your project (but not the sub-dependencies).

rebar doc is now called rebar3 edoc that should be noted.

rebar3 dialyzer is new, it replaces the old workflow of running dialyzer on its own and does all the building and checking .ptl files for you. The old trick of grep-ing away known errors to mitigate them is not working due to the mixed output however I was told that erlang 18 comes with a -dializer pre-compiler directive can be used to handle this. I am not really sure about this especially with third party libraries.

The handling of dependencies changed too, skip_deps=true is no longer needed. Nor is -r if you are using a apps/*/... structure for your project. Along with those the -D flag is gone now, it can however the same can be achieved with profiles - later more to that.

generate was replaced by release and it now uses relx and not reltool. If you are one of the poor sods (like me) that was using reltool you are into a lot more fun here but that is mostly beyond the scope. If you used relx before this should be straight forward, just that the config now lives in the rebar.config. Existing relx.config files will still be used as long as no relx section exists. It should be noted that this also takes care of linking instead of copying files when used with {dev_mode, true} which can be very nice for developing.


Now there is probably a lot to say, it is a way to handle differences in behavior, and can for example replace the -D flag like this: {profiles, [{long, {erl_opts, [{d, LONGTESTS}]}. I haven't fully grasped the power and best practice of this and there is a good article in the docs about this so I won't dive further into that.

Something worth pointing out before moving on is that everything that can be in a rebar.config can be in a profile, including plugins, dependencies, erlang options and so on. This makes it incredibly powerful.


Plugins have changed a bit and become a lot more important. Some common tasks in rebar2 now live in a plugin instead of being part of the core system. The most notable here is probably the Port Compiler (or pc as the plugin is called) which is used for building NIFs (like eleveldb).

Hex comes as a plugin, which is really nice, however the plugin is needed to publish not to fetch dependencies. This plugin could happily go into the global config, yes there is a global config in ~/.config/rebar3/rebar.config. However it is best to keep other plugins out there.

The EQC (QuickCheck) plugin is very nice if you have quick check, either the free or the commercial version. It should be pointed out here not to put this in the global config, no matter how tempting it is or the axe murderer will come back. Other then that you can now put the properties into a eqc folder and separate them from tests and it is no longer needed to wrap them in -ifdef(EQC) and -ifdef(TEST). What is especially nice here is that it picks up on the same naming as quickcheck-ci so that will make things easier.


This is a quite big topic, but it can be summed up in: forget everything you know about rebar's handling of dependencies it's invalid now.

Perhaps the most obvious change is that in addition to source dependencies you can now include hex packages. The packages can take the form: dflow as ‘the latest version’ (or the version fitting to other packages), or as {dflow, "0.1.6"} to pick a specific version (more details here).

Using packages has a huge advantage, they are cached locally which makes fetching them, especially for big projects, a lot nicer.

Now my experience with rebar2 was that dependencies were handled by just cloning all of the dependencies in the deps folder and then adding them to the library path. This also had the effect that order didn't really matter. For example you could happily include header files from projects you were not depending on in the application including it.

Now rebar3 is actually caring about what you do. For example I ran into the following situation. I have an application sniffle this application has file include/sniffle_version.hrl. Now sniffle was depending on sniffle_watchdog, however sniffle_watchdig was including include/sniffle_version.hrl

     +-------------+             +-------------+
     |   sniffle   |<------------|  watchdog   |
     +-------------+             +-------------+
            |                           ^
            |                           |
            |                           |
            |                           |
            |                           |
+-----------------------+               |
|  sniffle_version.hrl  |---------------+

This setup is no problem with rebar2, those files where in apps/sniffle/include and works great the file exist and that is all that's needed. However, with rebar3 this approach is problematic, since sniffle_watchdog does not depend on sniffle it will not exist when sniffle_watchdog is compiled. This means that I needed to include sniffle in sniffle_watchdog which is not possible since it would create a circlular dependency. The solution for this was simply to put the version header in na own application that gets included into both.

+-------------+             +-------------+
|   sniffle   |<------------|  watchdog   |
+-------------+             +-------------+
       ^                           ^
       |                           |
       |                           |
       |                           |
       | +-----------------------+ |
       +-|    sniffle_version    |-+

Another slightly related topic is that when building releases now the content of the app file matters more, that is probably my own shortcoming that I ran into the problem but I did not include many library applications into the application section of the .app.src file. That lead to them missing in the release and the application dying a horribly painful death. I found the following code snipped rather helpful to track what applications were missing, and then a lot of manual labour to find where they should be included.

ls -1 _build/default/rel/sniffle/lib/  | sed 's/-.*//g' | sort > rlibs
ls -1 _build/default/lib | sort > libs
vimdiff libs rlibs

The bottom line

After working with it a bit I think rebar3, when treated as it's own tool and not a iteration of rebar, is going to be huge improvement over existing erlang build tools, both, rebar2, and most likely any of the others lurking in the shadows.

The devs are very friendly and responsive and have helped me a great deal during this rather interesting exercise and deserve a lot of credit for the work and for putting up with the involved hatred and anger they receive.

Yes rebar3 is a learning curve and in the beginning it can be quite steep, but so does any other tool to be fair. It still is in beta (for a good reason), but bugs are fixed very fast and the help debugging them is outstanding.

If you require a rock solid tool today it is probably best to wait a bit longer until the final release but that said I have come a full circle, from utter hatred and frustration (on day one) to loving it after a week and will be using it from now on.


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